Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Almost.....these are from yesterday. I took Bella to see the Easter Bunny and as you can see, she was not nearly as excited as I was.

Then it was time for dinner. I made the boys shell shaped noodles with marinara sauce. I was up for the challenge, so I gave Bella bowl full. She loved them and did a great job feeding herself.

Notice her new sippy cup. These are her favorite and help me get 8oz or more of juice/water in her every day!

She was all done and looked so cute with it all over her!

Finally it was bed time. This is how we (Suzie and I) have to read to Bella nowadays. She is too busy to sit and listen.

Happy Hump Day!
P.S. "Wordless Wed." comes from fellow "bloggers". Just wanted to give credit where credit was due:)

1 comment:

Wendy Martin said...

Ha,ha,ha!!! Love the new header with Bell & the bunny. What a riot. We'll see how Ally does with the bunny if I can find the time to take her this weekend.