Sunday, April 26, 2009

It's a Sunny and Sunday and I am.....

stuck inside cleaning out closets and waiting for Bella to wake from her nap. Oh well I was outside all day yesterday for a baseball game and a Command Picnic. Then I got to spend the evening with my dear friend Erin who delivered her 4th baby boy at 12:06pm yesterday! She delivered in the same hospital I did. I had not been there since we left with Bella 17 1/2 months ago. A flood of emotions came over me as I stepped into the elevator and tears crept to my eyes. Why? I am not sure. I wanted so bad to be back there with my little angel all tiny and sweet. I could feel her soft skin and see her tiny face all over. I wanted to come home and look at old photos, but I do not have any. So, I went to her room, picked her up from her crib and rocked her till I was about to fall asleep. She was so sweet sound asleep in my arms! I miss her being tiny so much, but I love her at this age too. How is that? How is it that God created us to love a person as much as we love our children? Wow....this post is taking a new turn.....

Back to the title....I am almost done cleaning out closets. I did Bella's last weekend, the boys today and I hope to tackle mine this week. That may be tricky as I am working every day this week. I have been doing so for the past three weeks. I love the work, but I am missing Bella. When I get home and I am really tired, so we are not going out much. She does not seem to mind, but I feel guilty! We are spending a lot of time on the baseball field which she handles like a champ. We are so lucky to have such an easy going gal!

In Bella news, she is talking like crazy! She recently told me "NO", and she told Suzie to "get out" on Saturday! She loves to shake her finger when she wants something and she turns her head if she is not interested in what you have to say.....attitude already?? Really?? She loves to give kisses unless you ask for one and she kisses Suzie as much as Suzie will allow.

Sorry for not updating sooner and not including photos. We are busy busy! Look for photos tomorrow~

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