Sunday, April 12, 2009

"And We Were Walking 10 Feet off Beale"

My parents and Grandma Rossetto came down on Friday night for a quick visit to celebrate Easter with us. Saturday was filled with a quick tour of Memphis. Enjoy.....

Our day began early on Saturday with the first stop being at the Peabody in Downtown Memphis. We arrived just in time to see a lot of people watching the duck parade. However we were not able to get close enough to actually see it. Oh, well we were able to see the ducks splashing around and that was enough for us.
These ducks are probably better taken care of than Suzie and as you all know she is WELL taken care of:)

Bella on the "ducks" red carpet and the Duck Master.

The boys trying to keep Bella from petting the ducks. She kept calling them doggies.

Mom, Grandma, Zak, Nik, and Bella under the Rendezvous road sign.

There is it. The home of "World Famous Ribs". Yummy

Nik enjoying his slab of ribs....."Never since Adam has a rib been so famous....." a Rendezvous quote Nik thought was funny.

Yes, he lives in a cave with his other "people".

For those of you that watch the Travel Channel's "Man vs Food", Rendezvous was featured last week on the show. This is the head cook (Bob) at the Rendezvous that did the interview with the host of "Man vs. Food".

After I recognized Bob and we took a picture with him he took me back to see where all the yummyness (not really a word, but it sounds cute here) starts. Yes, that is an indoor charcoal grill!

Grandma Debbie and her kiddos chill-in outside the Rendezvous.

After will filled our bellies with ribs, slaw and baked beans we went on a trolley ride around the city. This is a co. my Dad called on in the 70's when he worked for my Grandpa Rossetto. It was neat for him to see. And, for me it was like my Grandpa R. had thrown in a little something to say he was with us.
Just in case you were wondering what city we toured:)

Bella making a break for it on the trolley.

We hopped off the trolley on "Beale Street" and enjoyed a few beers and some jazz music on the street. This is Mom and I toasting to our first beer on Beale. Mom had never been to Beale and I had never drunk on Beale.

Larry and I on Beale.

Bella "dancing" to the jazz band. Showing us all she enjoyed Beale too.

What can I say? Ben Franklin says in all!

Our favorite jazz band. I have no idea who they are, but they were good.

One place I hope Bella never works and the boys never patronize.

Bella had enough of Downtown Memphis.

My Dad and the Boys enjoying the "unknown" jazz band.

If you look closely you can see all of our images in the window. This is my attempt to be like it Emily??
The band took a break so we decided to head to the car. After all we had eggs to dye and the guys had cigars to smoke. Tour de'Memphis with Jana as the guide was a success!

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