Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Moment for Me

If you do not want to read a post of complaining and feeling sorry for one's self, skip this one and read the next.

This post is going to be all about me or at least most of it. Me....hum, who is that? Am I really only a taxi cab driver, dry cleaner, maid, cook, diaper changer, day care provider? Is that all I am? My family seems to think so these days. I am pretty convinced my husband thinks a little fairy comes in all day and makes beds, does laundry, plays with Bella, irons, plans dinners, shops for said dinners, cleans the house quickly before said dinner, and tosses a ball around outside with the boys while chasing Bella around the yard. (And by the way I am working 2-3 times a week consistently till the middle of May.) All the while, I am sleeping in, getting pedicures, manicures, massages, facials, shopping for new Spring clothes, working out, reading for pleasure, and drinking Starbucks while catching up with friends I have not called back, or e mailed in weeks because of my massage and facial appointments taking up so much time! UGH!

Are you kidding me? I am trying so hard not to be selfish because I know Larry is really busy at work and with school, but....there is that word! I am busy too. I want a break from what I am doing too! He thinks because "I stay home all day" that I get a break. What do I do when Bella naps, not update my blogg like I would like my friends:) All I want is for him to notice I am here, I am working hard too. This is a very trying time at this house and any prayers for peace and patients are appreciated.

Wow, I feel better now! I needed to get that baggage off my chest. I need all my readers to see that we are not all smiles and giggles. I try so hard to make it seem that way, but a very dear friend told me that it is ok to let it out at times. So, there it is. The Kennedy's are normal people with the same issues many of you have. There is life between the snaps of the camera and there are moments we are glad are not captured by the Kodak. However, at the end of the day we all say we love each other and are thankful it is US that get to share the good times and the bad. We are a family and despite even the ugliest of moments we are glad to take this journey together!

Thank you for listening! May the peace of Christ be with each of you this Holy Week! Our Love!

1 comment:

Wendy Martin said...

LET.IT.OUT.GIRL!!! You're entitled to vent on YOUR blog every once in a while and if anyone dares to accuse you of 'constantly complaining' you just let me know! Rainbows & sunshine get annoying every once in a while and it's good for everyone to know that you're not always supermom & superwife. Give Larry a good smack upside the head for me (followed by a big hug of course!)
Enjoy that mani/ pedi today. I think you should go for a massage tomorrow!
Love ya,