Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Since Spring Break......

Bella has decided to help her brothers out with chores around the house. It is the boys responsibility to collect trash and take it to the large trash can outside. Last week Bella wanted to "help" so the boys let her. She was so proud of herself.

Here Bella is helping Zak put her trash in the big bag for him to take outside.

Bella has started running EVERY WHERE! She is non-stop from the time she wakes up until she crashes at nap time, then back at it until bed time. Notice the goose egg on her forehead. This is from running (literally) into a wall.
We were able to spend a Saturday with Randy and Stella in honor of Randy's ?0th Birthday. It was a very enjoyable afternoon. It is so nice to see our family. Being so close is going to be terribly missed when we move to MD. Thankfully we have 3 more years of being close!

Finally, Bella MUST do everything for herself. It is trying on my patients since I do not have a lot of time to allow it, but we are working together to make it through this period of new found independence. In this photo she was insistent on putting my headband on. She worked and worked at it and finally was successful at getting it on her head. I tried to show her how and help, but that just prolonged her progress because she has an I can do it ATTITUDE!

Having to try one more time because I "fixed" it for a photo. Silly me....

In her new found independence has come her need to feed herself. It is fine when I have NOTHING to do, but that is not very often, so it is beginning to stress me out. She simply refuses to eat if I try to feed her. Apparently this is not the case with Ms. Ann and her Daddy, but for Mommy it is. I try really hard to be patient and find foods she will eat that are not as messy as the yo'Baby yogurt, but I am not all that successful. I keep telling myself this too shall pass, but until it does she eats in just a diaper and I begin meal time 30 minutes earlier than before.

First she sticks both hands in the yogurt......

Then realizes I gave her a spoon which she holds in her month as she dumps the yogurt on her tray......

And finally, shes got it. Spoon in yogurt, all over her face, but at last she is getting the correct concept!!!

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