Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I can see clearer now the flu is gone.......

Finally, I have a house of well childern and parents. It has been a long two and a half weeks at our house. The boys started with the flu, passed it to Bella, then she passed it to Larry and I. In total, Nik missed 3 days of school, Zak missed 6 days of school, Larry missed 2 days of school, and I missed 3 days of school. We have all been very busy playing catch up. Larry and the boys are all caught up, but I am still trying to catch up.

I have no photos of the last few weeks and simply put it was a blur. I will spare you all the details, but know we are all healthy and planning some serious family fun for the next two weekends! Look for all the fun photos to come!

1 comment:

Wendy Martin said...

So sorry to hear that you and Larry got it too. What a bummer. At least your whole family will be spared the inconvenience of swine flu vaccines now!
I'm heading home from Florida today so I'll try to catch up with you tomorrow or sometime this weekend.
Take care and stay healthy!