Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Some More Firsts

This morning I decided to allow Bella to try cereal with milk. Needless to say she loved it and actually did a good job eating it on her own.

The point of the following photos is to show off Bella's new ponytail. Her hair is finally long enough to pull back in a ponytail and it is so cute! Don't judge the mommy decision to give her a cookie the size of her head....I had a lot to do yesterday and that processed sugar loaded cookie gave me about an hour of peace and quiet! She does not get it often, but there are times I have to do what I have to do and yesterday I had to pacify with a cookie.....all three kids had one:)


Wendy Martin said...

OMG- you are such a bad mommy! Just kidding. Seriously though- how did Bella's hair get that long? It's adorable! She only has 4 months on Ally but she has like 10 times the hair- I'm so jealous!!

Kelley said...

LOVE the hair!! She is a doll. You've got to do pig-tails for me, since I don't have a little girl. I think they are precious!