Sunday, February 15, 2009


This was one of Bella's Christmas gifts....his sense of hummor is a riot at times!
(his teacher just do not see it as funny....)

Holy Mother of Time, he will be 12 in two weeks!! It is amazing to look back at photos of him just since we arrived in TN. I am taken back at how adorable he is sometimes when he comes downstairs hair gelled, decked out in his Ambercrombie, he is a "big boy" now. He is looking forward to baseball starting in a few weeks and continues to do well in school. He is still giving us a few fits with his behavior, but in the grand scheme of things he is a really good kid! I remember being his age, it is hard to find where you belong.

He is such a big help with Bella. She adores him! She loves Nik too, but we can see there is something special between Zak and her. She YELLS his name when she cannot find him....ZAAA ZAAA ZAAA! When he is at school, she will walk into his room, point to his bed and say ZAA ZAA ZAA. It is priceless! He spend so much time with her. Today he was sitting on the floor playing with her and her "Lego's". She got up walked to steps and sat on his lap. It was so cute! She just sat there babbling. Those are the moments I wish I could bottle up and hold on to forever!

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