Saturday, June 12, 2010

If You Take a Mouse to the Movies".......

If you have never read a "If You Take a Mouse to the Movies" or any other "If You......" book to your child, you will understand the following. If you have never read one, sorry.....

It all started last Sunday......I was sitting on the back porch with the kids and Carla and noticed we really needed some flowers and a good clean out of flower beds. Carla was visiting so she kept the kiddos while I ran to the NEX for a few bags of mulch and some trays of flowers. I should add I blindly went to the NEX being that I have NEVER done yard work or anything that has to do with yard work prior to Sunday.

I arrived home eager to get started. I had 8 bags of mulch and 3 trays of flowers. The kids and I started working. Only to find that there was way more cleaning out and mulching to be done than I first noticed. Thus, the project turned into a much larger project. Monday I found myself at Home Depot after an OBGYN apt buying 2 more bags of mulch, and more flowers. By 3pm on Monday I found myself making another trip to the NEX for 2 MORE bags of mulch, potting soil, and pots because I had bought too many flowers. I finished the "landscaping" by 5pm. I then noticed that the front porch needed to be cleaned off. Out came the power washer. Who does not clean all the outside windows, back porch, sidewalks, garage doors, and driveway when they have the power washer out? By 10pm on Monday night I felt like a train hit me. I must add that Larry was not able to landscape because he has been at school every waking hour every day of the week for a month now:)

Tuesday morning came and I headed to the dentist about 8:30am. When I arrived home it only made since to clean all the inside windows and blinds. Once they were clean, I thought I should clean out the boy's room from all the toys and stuff they no longer play with. Well, it would have been silly to do that and not do the toy room too......12am on Wednesday morning found me with the toy room and boy's room cleaned out. 4 car loads to charity places later, I had all the stuff given away.

Wednesday was also an early start with a trip to the eye doctor for myself and the boys. We were at the NEX, so I also had the boy's hair cut. We headed home and started "cleaning" the upstairs. Complete with better organizing the attic, the boy's closet, Bella's closet, you name it it was reorganized. So much was cleaned out it only made sense to move all the furniture and vacuum behind it, and hit every thing.....every nuck, ect with a duster.

Thursday, I HAD to clean downstairs. I cleaned EVERYTHING! I took stuff out of my hutch, curio cabinet, you name it again it was dusted and vacuumed. All this cleaning led me to see how badly I needed to redecorate, so off I went to buy some cool new stuff for the house. I also needed to buy some totes to store piles of stuff in a neater way in. Thursday night Larry arrived home and said get in the car we are going out to eat. You have to be running on empty. I stopped my craziness and went out with him and the kids. Thursday being the first time I had dinner with them all week!

I was not completely done on Friday morning, so I got up and hit it again. I finished about 10am and headed to the Spa. An hour long facial and massage left me feeling like a queen. Oh, I also got a mani and pedi......ahhhhh!

I woke up this morning and looked back at the week. I have no idea where the energy came from, but I am very proud of all my labor! It was totally worth it the 2 bottles of window cleaner, the rolls of paper towels, and all the body aches! I HATE putting clothes away and ironing, so I still have to complete that tomorrow, but after that is done I will be in summer vacation mood!

I must add as a slight pat on my own back. I wanted to loose weight for my sister's wedding in 4 weeks. So, in March I got really serious. I have lost 22lbs to date! I took size 12 shorts (not worn) back yesterday and exchanged them for size 8s!!!!

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