Saturday, January 30, 2010

Saturday and Starbucks

My worst fear was calmed last night....we never lost power! Thank you Lord.

I was diagnosed with a Staph infection about 3 weeks ago. I was given heavy antibiotics and cream to put on the sores. I was feeling a lot better last week so the Dr. said there was no reason to see me. Well, Thurs. night I started feeling bad again, and today I am full swing back to being yucky. I got up this morning and Larry was biting at the bite to get out of this house, so he offered to go get me Starbucks. He left about 9am and returned about 11am. I have since enjoyed my Starbucks and I also got to sleep a little because he took the kids with him!

Now, we are stuck back inside because he admitted he really should have stayed home as the roads are not in good shape. Oh well, he got out of the house and I got more sleep. We are getting ready to watch a movie because Bella is asleep.

I am kind of enjoying being home bound.........check back tomorrow to see if I still feel that way:)

1 comment:

Wendy Martin said...

Sorry you're not feeling well and are stuck at home. We're homebound today too- 8 inches in VA- that's a lot of snow! Hope you enjoyed your movie and got lots of rest. I'll try to catch you soon so we can catch up.