Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Words for Wednesday

So, I grew up in a small town and I know a lot of people from that small town. People I really could care less about, but others I still love.

I lost one I still love yesterday. Mavi....I remember meeting her at St. Simon and Jude Elementary. She was a year younger than I. She had pzazz. Her grandparents and mine were friends. Mavi was a good girl.....she will be missed.

Words.....I had plenty of them this morning for Nik who locked me out of the house. I was leaving for work and he said he had the car keys except he did not. Nope, they were safely in the locked house. No biggie....I get a ride to school and am on time. Larry comes to pick us up at 4:30(again no biggie; I had a lot to do in my classroom). We get home only for him to realize his keys to the house are on the MDX key ring that is at Acura being serviced. Shit! He is able to pop the lock. Yah, we are in......NOPE, no sooner does Larry pop the lock, Zak pulls the still locked door closed! WHF are you thinking came flying out of Larry's mouth. He has to drive to Acura, get the keys are drive home. I get to stay in the garage and entertain a 22 month old for two hours all the while it is raining outside!

It is 9:15pm. I am going to bed......Oh, did I mention a mom of a student e mailed me today to tell me her kid does not like me? Too bad lady, I am the teacher and that is that......Really????


Kelley said...

Breathe in....breathe out....

Chandra said...

Sounds like you could use an extra hug.. wish I could give you about 10! Love ya!

Wendy Martin said...

I still have to laugh about you being locked out... it was quite funny the way you told it. Great chatting with you yesterday. Hang in there.. next week is bound to be better!
Love you!