Saturday, May 16, 2009

Saturday Surprise!

This morning with a little help from you know who, I woke early. I decided to surprise the rest of the crew with a trip to the newly opened Dunkin' Doughnuts. Larry woke before I made it out the door, so he kept Bella and I was off the to the see the Doughnut Fairy. We decided to let the youngest pick first today.....this was her first experience with doughnuts!
So many to choose from....
Taking it nice and slow.....
Yummy the first the way I had hoped she would pick the plain glazed, but she is just like Mommy......give this gal the chocolate!
Heck with being neat....this is GOOD!
What can I say.....she is so CUTE!
After eating all the chocolate off hers, she wanted another one:) Because I am no "Mom of the Year", I said NO:)
Yah, I want doughnuts every Saturday!
Now that doughnuts are done, I am gearing up for a trip downtown alone with three boys for a baseball game. Holy Spirit be with me! Larry threw his back out on Thursday, so he is getting to stay at home with Bella.....hummmm.....I was really looking forward to my time at home with just Bella. Funny how this worked out......not really he is really hurting. Poor guy!
Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I love the fourth picture down..she looks like she is in a chocolate comma! lol