Have you ever noticed there are very few photos of Nik on the blogg? This child is his dad in so many ways it is remarkable. For starters, he does not make the blogg often for the same reason you do not see Larry on here, they both despise having their photos taken.
Nik is so hard headed he and I clash often. Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you the same thing about me. However, since Larry joined the family I have had to take second in the hard head category. Now, as Nik gets a little older I am about to take third. For Larry and Nik there is one way to do everything; their way or it is the wrong way.
Nik is quiet. Just like Larry you have to slowly peel away the layers before you get to see what it going on with this child. He is never dramatic, he is never a motor mouth, and he is never in need of attention. In fact if I leave him alone all day he is happier than if I try to hang out with him or talk to him a lot.
Nik is very smart again, just like Larry. Nik just gets stuff.
That is my Nik. My son that I love for being so him. My middle child that is never forgotten. My son that makes me smile when he hugs me for no reason because I do not get many hugs from Nik. Nik is my child I do not worry about. Like his dad, he has it all under control, he just never tells us about it!